Whiteboards on which to quickly share photos of students work, annotate, sync between devices, cast a window, give students virtual MWBs and much, much more. Suitable for teachers of maths and other subjects.
- Infinity whiteboard: an infinite canvas, plus PDF imports
- Static whiteboard: the original, on a fixed-sized canvas
Create a form in seconds for students to answer. Receive their answers instantly as they type - perfect for AfL at any point in a lesson.
- Real-time forms NEW
Resources I'm building to help teach maths.
- Skills grid creator (perfect for starters)
- Worked examples
- Coordinate treasure hunt
- Factorise quadratics
- My maths videos (on YouTube)
Computer science
Resources I'm building to help teach computer science (especially H446 OCR A-level).
- Binary LMC simulator - learn about the FDE cycle
- Learn Javascript - an interactive tutorial
- Pathfinding - Dijkstra and A* algorithms NEW
- Google PageRank algorithm NEW
- Linked lists NEW
- Tixy - create cool patterns with short Javascript expressions
- Sorting algorithms visualised
- Pi Pico ❤️ Javascript
- Pixel art and RLE compression
- Hex viewer - open any file to see its binary, hex and ASCII
- Simple binary encoder/decoder
- Scratch tutorial videos (on YouTube)
Resources I'm working on, mostly to help me teach. You may also find them useful, but they may change without warning.